In person or virtual homeopathic consultations for those in Southwest Virginia & beyond.
Physical, mental, or emotional disease steals our strength, destroys our balance, and drains our hope. If you’re ready to regain your hope, I would love to partner with you on your journey to health, strength, and wholeness. Through homeopathic remedies tailored to my clients’ needs, Life Abundant Homeopathy strives to restore life–an abundant life of hope and purpose. I provide in-person and virtual homeopathy consultations to those in Southwest Virginia and beyond. Learn more below about the consultations you can book.
Meet and Greet
During a 10-15 minute phone call you and I can get to know each other. This is the perfect time to ask general questions and share your overall concerns and goals. Meanwhile, I’ll get a feel for our fit and discuss next steps.
Cost: Free
Chronic Care Intake
Here is your time to guide me through the struggles you face, physical, mental and emotional, as I listen and ask clarifying questions. For up to 2 hours we will talk through your story so I can understand you. After the consult, I step back to holistically review and match your cluster of symptoms with a remedy that appears to best fit you. After you start your remedy, we will check in via email to see how your body is beginning to respond.
Please remember: We’re ALL broken…this is a safe space, what you share will be kept confidential, and there is no judgment on my end. I’ve sat in the seat you’re in now, so I get it!
If we find you have questions, I may schedule a second meeting for a 15-minute Q&A time to help you get started.
Cost: $200 Adults, mother/infant pairs, teens
Cost: $150 Children (1-12 years old)
Chronic Care Follow-Up Visits
Remember it took time for you to get to where you are and it will take time to unravel that. We will review your response by revisiting how your symptoms are shifting. Then we can make adjustments as needed. Initially, follow ups are scheduled monthly and then as you progress, less frequently.
Bonus: Because “life happens,” you will encounter acute illness, like colds. I am here to provide interim support. How you experience acute illnesses also helps guide our chronic care plan. This service is included for active clients: those who are currently under chronic care with me.
Cost: $50 (30-45 minutes)
Acute Care Visits
For assistance with short term illnesses, these brief first come/first served appointments are a way to receive professional homeopathic support. After a 20-30 minute consult, you will receive an email with a remedy recommendation. For the next 48 hours, you may reach out via email for any next steps.
Cost: $50 (20 minute consultation, 48 hours of email support)

Consultation FAQs
Acute illnesses:
- Typically develop rapidly
- Are generally recent (less than 30 days)
- Feel and look different from your everyday experience
- Examples include: colds, flu, food poisoning, sunburns, bee stings and pregnancy concerns
Chronic diseases:
- Have taken time to creep in
- Recur, once “something” has happened 3 times, it is part of your chronic picture
- Examples include hormonal issues, arthritis, asthma, ADHD, and so many more
Chronic Care Intakes:
I’ve reserved this 2 hour window just for you. Rescheduling is difficult and may delay your care.
Chronic Care Follow up Visits:
I believe in grace for us both, so kindly give me 24-48 hours of notice.
Acute Care Visits:
These generally cannot or do not need to be rescheduled due to the nature of what you are facing and how I will be working you into the schedule at the last minute. Keep me updated and let’s try to work it out.
In-person consultations are available in Blacksburg. For those outside of the area, or who prefer a virtual meeting, I can meet with you via video conference.
Remedies, appropriately administered, are safe, including for pediatric, geriatric, pregnant, and lactating clients, and are often used in complement to conventional medications.